May 1, 2023 Changes to the BC Building Code taking effect today mark an important milestone on the path to making new buildings – and especially new homes – more…
The BC building code was updated. Effective May 1, 2023, most new construction will be required to be 20% more energy efficient than previously required. There is also a new…
In December of 2022 Greg Bloom, Manager of Industry Relations at the Home Performance Stakeholder Council (HPSC) gave a great presentation about the HPSC and the Home Performance Contractor Network…
Local governments influence about half of BC’s greenhouse gas emissions through decisions on land use, transportation, and infrastructure that affect where people live and work, how they get around, and…
Step Code Implementation support.
Part 3 0f a 3 part series.
Step Code Implementation support.
Step Code Implementation support.
Part 2 0f a 3 part series.
Step Code Implementation support.
Community Energy Association’s previous publication “Business Model Innovation to Support Air Source Heat Pump Retrofits in Metro Vancouver” (2019) discussed the potential for a new business model to re-align the…
Whether you are an elected official, a builder or a tradesperson, it’s important you know what the BC Energy Step Code is, and how the Province of BC is supporting the transition to net zero ready new building construction.