The BC Municipal Climate Leadership Council (BCMCLC) met with the Honourable George Heyman, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, a number of MLAs and key stakeholders to discuss collaboration on the urgent issue of climate change.
Local governments are Canada’s asset managers. Here in BC, local governments influence over 55% of greenhouse gas emissions, having direct and indirect impact on how we build, how we get around and how we deal with waste. The majority of BC communities have adopted a Community Energy and Emissions Plan and have set specific targets for GHG reductions. That means almost 80% of the population in the province is living in a community with a plan to address climate action.
Themes of collaboration and leadership will set the stage for BCMCLC’s upcoming Climate Leadership Institute, an intensive training event with leading professionals and inspirational colleagues from the BCMCLC. “Over the last few years, we have heard loud and clear that locally elected officials want to deepen their knowledge and build the hard skills to lead their communities on climate action, says Mayor Taylor Bachrach of Smithers, and BCMCLC’s Climate Leadership Institute will do just that.”
Read the entire press release, below.
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