Communities want to know how to make the biggest impact, and we have developed the tool to get you started.
What is it?
CEA has created a simple and interactive tool to help BC communities see their current GHG emissions, their future emissions without action, and the results of high-impact actions to reduce emissions. Try out the Climate Action Planner Tool!
How it’s meant to be used
Use this tool as a first step in planning to see what a local government can do to help citizens and businesses reduce emissions. This tool is best used in conjunction with the Climate Leaders Playbook (“the Playbook”), which provides more detail on the high-impact actions or “big moves”. For more precise planning with local context, please contact CEA to inquire about our planning services. We also have funding in place to provide support for implementing the “big moves”.
Why is it necessary, or why is it important? How will it help local governments?
We know that we need to limit global warming to 1.5C as per the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report from October 2018. To reach this target, we must reduce GHG emissions 50% by 2030, and become zero-carbon communities by 2050. Local government staff, elected officials, and other stakeholders can then use this tool to better understand what their community’s emissions currently are, and which actions will be most effective in reducing emissions to meet ambitious reduction targets.

Watch the Webinar
CEA hosted a webinar featuring a demo of the tool. If you missed it you can still view the slides and webinar recording.
Help and Support?
CEA is happy to answer questions about how to interpret the results of this tool and use it to guide further climate planning. If you have any questions or are interested in expanding these preliminary results into more detailed inventory and modelling work, or a Community Energy & Emissions Plan / Climate Action Plan, please contact CEA at