The trusted independent advisor to local governments on climate and energy
This FREE practical, comprehensive webinar offers building professionals and designers guidance in planning and confidently implementing solar PV options for their clients.
Part 1 will cover grid-connected solar PV systems principles, costs and benefits, and how builders can best prepare for increasing adoption in BC. Using CHBA Northern solar PV project case studies,.
Part 2 will demonstrate how using integrated design process (IDP) and the NRCan LEEP Planning and Decision Guide for Solar PV systems will reduce risk, improve confidence on solar PV outcomes, and smooth integration of solar PV into residential construction projects.
Pre-approved f0r 2 CPD points from BC Housing.
Pre-registration link:
Find the Planning and Decision Guide for Solar PV:
Terri McConnachie- CHBA Northern BC
Ben Giudici – Riverside Energy Systems, Solar PV Systems Designer
Shay Bulmer – Northern Homecraft, Home Builder
Rod Croome – Hometech Energy Solutions, Certified Energy Advisor
Ben Giudici, P.Eng
Ben has worked in utility power systems, industrial control, and electronic instrumentation for 12 years with BC Hydro and 21 years as a Thompson Rivers University faculty member. He holds degrees in electrical engineering and is registered as a Professional Engineer in the province of BC. Ben is keenly interest in photovoltaics and high-performance buildings, and has been very active in solar PV systems design, installation, and training since joining Riverside Energy Systems as a director in 2009. He authored the Planning & Decision Guide for Solar PV Systems, recently released by Natural Resources Canada to support builders with integrating solar PV into residential construction.