Apply now! Nominate Your Community for a 2023 Climate & Energy Action Award
The call for nominations is now open! Nominate your community today for a Climate & Energy Action Award. Download the application form below and follow the listed steps. The deadline to apply is July 10, 2023 at 5:00 pm PDT.
Celebrating Climate Work at the Local Level
We've heard that "local governments are on the front lines of climate action" (CleanBC Roadmap to 2030) and that "cities are on the leading edge of climate action" (C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group), but sometimes local governments are challenged to balance climate action with myriad other responsibilities. Further, knowing what needs to be done to reduce local greenhouse gas emissions can be very different from actually implementing solutions. In these cases, sharing and amplifying the practical experiences of other local governments is invaluable.
This is why it's so important to celebrate success.
The Community Energy Association (CEA) has been running the Climate & Energy Action Awards program in British Columbia for over 25 years. It has recognized a wide variety of local government climate action initiatives across all four of BC's distinct climatic zones. This unique awards program recognizes climate leadership by communities large, small, and everything in between. Winners have included the City of Vancouver, the Village of Granisle with only about 300 residents, the Town of Ucluelet in the wild Pacific Coast, and the City of Dawson Creek in the prairie landscape of the Province's northeastern corner. Along with the diversity of the award winners is the projects communities have implemented, ranging from OCP initiatives and other strategic plans to district energy systems, the energy efficiency of civic facilities, transportation projects, retrofit initiatives, etc.
All submissions over the years have been a true treasure trove for one simple reason: they demonstrate local success. Before they are ranked by judges and before winners are selected, these submissions prove that the real reward for climate action is fewer greenhouse gas emissions.
We are excited to announce that we are now accepting applications for the 2023 Climate & Energy Action Awards!