East Kootenay Organics Infrastructure Program
Location: Regional District of East Kootenay, British Columbia
Project Partners: Regional District of East Kootenay
Through the RDEK Energy Manager position, CEA is leading the East Kootenay Organics Infrastructure Program, a collaboration with municipal partners throughout the Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK). The aim of the program is to recover a significant portion of compostable organic resources in the East Kootenay via optimized, scalable, aerated windrow composting at facilities located in each of three sub-regions: Columbia Valley, Central Sub-Region and the Elk Valley.
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Closing the Loop
Project Partners: Province of British Columbia
This guide was compiled by CEA with the generous support of the Province of B.C. - Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. The foundation of much of the content in the Tools and Technologies section is from the original Integrated Resource Recovery (IRR) Guide, Resources from Waste (2009), authored by Stephen Salter and the Province of B.C. In compiling this resource, CEA worked with an advisory committee who guided the direction of the project and we are grateful for their time and expertise while reviewing and providing suggestions.
The guide was transformed into an online resource to make it more accessible to local governments making infrastructure plans that recover energy and resources from waste. Using Closing the Loop, local governments can access a multitude of information including technology, case studies and funding support. “Closing the Loop” places IRR into a broader approach we are calling “regenerative infrastructure”. The approach, and its name, is inspired by the concept of regenerative design, which mimics nature’s processes. In nature, there is no waste, as all resources cycle through closed loop systems and serve a purpose.
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