Community Energy Association is now the proud owner of Canada’s largest Mobile Electric Battery. Gene the e-generator will visit East Kootenay communities to power mountain adventures and experiences with BC's clean energy.
Gene is technically the Voltstack E-Generator made by the Vancouver-based company, Portable Electric. Practically speaking it is a clean energy alternative to diesel or gasoline powered generators, being both noise and emissions free. But what is really exciting is provides an opportunity to explore how we might apply innovative, clean technology solutions to transition to a low carbon future. Gene is on a trailer meaning we can bring it to demonstrate off-grid charging for e-snowmobiles, EVs, e-bikes and more!
Funded by Teck and built by Portable Electric, the applications of this unit are diverse. It can power food trucks at community festivals, sound and lighting equipment, electric vehicles, e-bikes, and more.
Keep an eye out for Gene at an event near you as CEA generates awareness around the Kootenays for this innovative new technology.
Interested in more information or would you like to see Gene at your next community event?
To learn more contact:
Read the full News Release
Read Portable Electric's News Release

Gene's origin story
CEA is very proud that the idea for an off-grid charging solution to power mountain adventures came out of a 2019 e-mobility visioning session we facilitated with a diverse stakeholder group. With support from BC Hydro and the Regional District of the East Kootenay, the 2-day session invited participants to envision what an integrated e-mobility ecosystem might look like East Kootenay in 2030, 2040 and beyond.

The mobile battery concept was one of nine pilot projects stakeholders identified as offering unique benefits to local communities and economies - driving down emissions and bolstering community resilience. In the year following the visioning session the CEA Fernie team worked to refine the concept and source funding to implement. CEA is grateful to both Portable Electric and Teck Resources for supporting the initial vision outlined by East Kootenay stakeholders - we are excited to see how this initial pilot evolves over time!